
Showing posts from May, 2021

Plant Sale today outside the Great Barn

The "Plant Sale" today, outside the Great Barn in Harmondsworth - organised by the local allotment gardeners. 

End of Free Bus Zone

This may just be an effort by Heathrow to get the local councils to pay TFL the £1.2 million a year to run the free scheme...? Currently Heathrow ban cyclists/pedestrians going through the tunnel to Terminals 2 and 3 because they have blocked the two little side tunnels that cyclists used to use... And part of the Pod planning application was to allow Longford Villagers free access to use the Pods to get to terminal 5 - this was changed to free bus access to/from Terminal 5 and so Arora then blocked the access path from the Bath Road to the Pods besides his Little Brook Nursery school...

Heathrow Villages Newsletter


Harmondsworth News


Facebook's "Nextdoor" app

I received this in the post - wondered if it was any good? Reviews on Trust pilot are pretty bad.... 

Reported 2 Abandoned Cars

 I've reported these 2 Abandoned cars on Hillingdon website

Allotment Plant Sale


Weekly House

 A retired museum director is researching the history of Weekly House, particularly its name. We have:-  "Weekly House, so named after the family that owned it, has now been converted into office accommodation. Despite its Georgian appearance it dates from the early 17th Century. It once formed the western part of the farmyard of H. J. Wild and Sons with the farmhouse standing on the other side of the yard. All other traces of the farm have disappeared to be replaced by yet more offices."  if anyone has any information, please let us know and we will forward it. Many thanks.

Hillingdon Residents Planning Forum

 Due to Covid, it was a virtual Teams meeting with the following agenda:-    Virtual Residents’ Planning Forum Thursday 20 May 2021 6.00 – 7.30pm In attendance from LBH: Noel Kelly Planning Service Manager Julia Johnson Planning Policy & Infrastructure Manager Manisha Pabari Planning Services Performance Officer A G E N D A 6.00 - 6.10pm Welcome 6.10 - 6.30pm Planning Transformation 6.30 - 6.50pm Planning Policy (London Plan & Other Policy Updates) 6.50 - 7.10pm Major Apps Update 7.10 – 7.30pm A.O.B